Operations Information
Appropriate Dress:
You are responsible for dressing appropriately for the conditions.
While the weather can be very hot, sunny, and calm, it can become deceivingly cold on the Columbia River.
We offer complimentary XL splash jackets and may require their use for your safety and comfort.
We recommend bringing insulated clothing and something either waterproof or water-resistant, along with a hood, hat, and even a neck gaiter.
Temperature Guidelines:
If it is under 80 degrees, cloudy, windy, or under 70 degrees even if the sun is out, we may advise or mandate the use of insulated, waterproof jackets, and head and neck coverings.
For temperatures under 65 degrees, a full winter outfit such as a ski or snowmobile suit, hat, and goggles may be necessary.
Personal Items
We are not responsible for lost, wet, or damaged items.
We recommend bringing sunglasses and a bottle of water for your comfort, but at your own risk.
Time Management
It is your responsibility to arrive at least 30 minutes early to find parking, find the dock, use the restroom and anticipate typical traffic conditions, particularly on weekends and holidays.
We do not guarantee a specific time frame for the experience, but guarantee the miles navigated. We do not recommend making any plans immediately before or after this experience as the time frame cannot be guaranteed.
Nature of the Activity
This activity is more of a ride than a narrated tour.
Restrictions and Limitations
Our seating arrangement is fixed. Seating for riders taller than approximately 6'3" may be limited.
All riders must be able to get in and out of the boat with little assistance.
We do not allow more than 6 passengers on the boat at a time, including children and infants. Services sold by the seat are public and require a minimum age of 6 years old.
We do not offer any river rapids or white water experiences and do not navigate any part of the Wenatchee River as defined by 7.20.190 Chelan County Motorboat Restrictions.
Jet Drive Logistics
Debris such as sticks, grass, and trash can get lodged in the jet drive, affecting the engine's performance or shutting it down. The captain will utilize a set of procedures and equipment to combat this. It is important that your party remains calm during this process. We do not recommend making any plans immediately before or after this experience as the time frame cannot be guaranteed.
Engine Breakdown
Despite rigorous inspection and maintenance, the boat can break down. The time it takes to get to shore can vary. We do not recommend making any plans immediately before or after this experience as the time frame cannot be guaranteed.
Aside from the standard emergency procedures posted in the boat. We have the following options to increase the likelihood of reaching shore in a timely manner:
Paddling: The boat is equipped with 4 paddles, and members of your party may be asked to paddle or take turns paddling.
Anchoring: The boat is equipped with an effective anchor, chain, and rode.
Auxiliary Motor: The boat is equipped with a 24-volt, 80lb thrust electric motor.
Assistance: Use the international signal for distress to get the attention of a nearby boat for assistance or call the Chelan County Sheriff’s Marine Patrol Unit
Expectation: These procedures are not foolproof and may have varying results and timelines. We do not recommend making any plans immediately before or after this experience as the time frame cannot be guaranteed.
The captain retains the authority to deny service to any individual for any reason. Should this occur, a refund will be issued, except in cases where the reservation is missed without prior notification.